Showing posts with label Branding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Branding. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

What is Brand Marketing


Brand marketing is a global and constantly evolving strategy that defines the brand's communication, sales and product approach by promoting products and services in a way that makes the brand visible in its entirety.


Brand marketing describes a long-term strategic plan to continuously increase brand recognition and reputation. The goal of brand marketing is to develop an ever-growing base of loyal customers. This is achieved by continuously and consistently communicating the identity and values ​​of the brand in a meaningful and engaging way.


Protecting your brand's identity and reputation is essential to a successful brand marketing strategy.


Goals of Brand Marketing

Brand marketing primarily revolves around building brand awareness, recognition, trust, and visibility. This is the aspect of marketing that focuses on developing and maintaining a brand's overall reputation. Here are the top 10 goals of brand marketing:

·        Increase brand awareness

·        Getting more market share

·        Introduce new products

·        Steps into a new local and international market

·        Improve return of investment

·        Increase company profit

·        Attract new customers

·        Retain old and current customers

·        Increase sales

·        Optimize funnel



Brand Marketing Strategy

Here I’m showing you 8 steps of brand marketing/brand building strategy:

Consider Over All Business Strategy

A strong and well-differentiated brand will greatly facilitate the growth of your business. But what kind of business do you want? Are you going to grow organically? Your overall business strategy is in the context of your brand development strategy, so it's the starting point. If you know clearly where you want to run your business, your branding will help you get there.


Identify Your Clients

Who are your target customers? If you say "everyone" you are making a big mistake. Our research clearly shows that high-growth, high-profit companies focus on clearly defined target customers. The narrower the focus, the faster the growth. The more diverse your target audience, the more diluted your marketing efforts will be. So how do you know if you've chosen the right target customer group? This is where the next step comes in.

When you understand the difference between branding and direct marketing, you can easily identify your clients. 


Research Your Target Customers Group

Companies that systematically research their target customer group grow faster and are more profitable (see figure below). Plus, those who search more frequently (at least quarterly) grow even faster.


Research helps you understand your target customer's perspectives and priorities, anticipate their needs, and present your message in language that resonates with them. It also tells you how they perceive your business strengths and your current brand. As such, it greatly reduces the marketing risk associated with brand development.


Develop Brand Position

You are now ready to determine your company's brand positioning in the professional services market (also known as market positioning). How is your business different from others and why should potential customers in your target audience choose to work with you?


A positioning statement typically consists of three to five sentences and captures the essence of your brand positioning. It must be grounded in reality, because you will have to keep your promises. She also has to be a little ambitious to have something to strive for.


Develop Messaging Strategy

Your next step is a messaging strategy that translates your brand positioning into messages for your different audiences. Your target audience typically includes leads, potential employees, referral sources, or other influencers and potential partnership opportunities, to name a few of the common suspects.

While your brand positioning should be the same for all audiences, each audience will be interested in different aspects of it. Messages to each audience will highlight the most relevant points. Each audience will also have specific concerns that need to be addressed and each will need different types of evidence to support your messages. Your messaging strategy should meet all of these needs. This is an important step in making your brand relevant to your target audience.


Choose the Right Logo and Tagline

For many businesses, a name change is not necessary. But if you are a new business, are in the process of merging, or have a name that no longer matches your positioning, a name change may be appropriate. Even if you don't change your business name, a new logo and slogan might make sense to better support your brand positioning.


Remember, your name, logo, and tagline are not your brands. Part of your brand identity is how you communicate or symbolize your brand. You have to live it to make it real.


And don't make the mistake of posting the new logo internally to get consensus. The name, logo, and tagline are not for you. They are intended for your market and should be judged on their quality of communication, and not on the quality of their partners.


Develop Your Own Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing is particularly suited to professional service companies in the Internet age. It does everything traditional marketing does, but it does it more effectively. Use valuable educational content to attract, nurture, and qualify potential customers.


Remember that your brand's strength is based on both reputation and visibility. Just increasing your presence without increasing your reputation is rarely successful. For this reason, traditional "awareness" advertising or sponsorship often leads to disappointing results. On the other hand, content marketing is increasing. Visibility and reputation. It's also the perfect way to get your brand relevant to your target audience. Case closed.


Make Your Own Website

Website is the most important branding tool. This is where all of your audience turns to find out what you do, how you do it, and who your customers are. Potential customers are unlikely to choose your business based solely on your website, but they can kick you out if your site sends the wrong message.

Plus, your website will host your valuable content. This content will become the centerpiece of your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts so that your prospects, potential employees, and referral sources find you and get to know your business. Online content is at the heart of any modern brand development strategy.


There are two types of professional service websites these days: the first is a branded website; this site tells your story and communicates who you are, whom you serve, and what you do; In short, it conveys your brand message. It does the above and generates and nurtures new leads.